What's 'new' in AMS 3.10
Although AMS 3.10 for the Voyage 200 has been out for a while, I just recently updated my calculator. The TI AMS 3.10 page has this to say, in typical coy, cryptic TI fashion:
The new functionality includes domain and graphing improvements, solving inequalities and equations involving vectors, nth root and log to any base functionality, implicit derivatives and gradian angle measure.
These functions are new from the previous version:
Data>Mat, Mat>Data Convert data variable to matrix and vice versa. Renders tip [3.29] irrelevant.
DelType(type) Deletes all variables of the specified argument type.
>Grad, >Rad Convert angle measurments to gradians or radians.
impDif(exp,[order]) Implicit differentiation. Renders tip [6.53] irrelevant.
>ln(exp) Simplify the input expression so that only natural logarithms are used.
>logbase(b) Simplify the input expression so that only logarithms of base 'b' are used.
root(x,n) Returns the nth root of x. This does not add any new functionality, and just evaluates x^(1/n).
stDevPop(list) Returns the population standard deviation of the argument list. Compare to the existing stdDev(). Renders tip [6.42] irrelevant.
G (superscript) Specify an angle in gradians.
Other new features are a gradian setting for the angle mode, and a graph
discontinuity detection (F1, Format, Discontinuity Detection in the Y= editor). This setting eliminates the false connection between positive and negative points plotted near an asymptote, but it also slows graphing considerably. solve() can now solve simple vector equations for, for example, the components of a vector.
The new functionality includes domain and graphing improvements, solving inequalities and equations involving vectors, nth root and log to any base functionality, implicit derivatives and gradian angle measure.
These functions are new from the previous version:
Data>Mat, Mat>Data Convert data variable to matrix and vice versa. Renders tip [3.29] irrelevant.
DelType(type) Deletes all variables of the specified argument type.
>Grad, >Rad Convert angle measurments to gradians or radians.
impDif(exp,[order]) Implicit differentiation. Renders tip [6.53] irrelevant.
>ln(exp) Simplify the input expression so that only natural logarithms are used.
>logbase(b) Simplify the input expression so that only logarithms of base 'b' are used.
root(x,n) Returns the nth root of x. This does not add any new functionality, and just evaluates x^(1/n).
stDevPop(list) Returns the population standard deviation of the argument list. Compare to the existing stdDev(). Renders tip [6.42] irrelevant.
G (superscript) Specify an angle in gradians.
Other new features are a gradian setting for the angle mode, and a graph
discontinuity detection (F1, Format, Discontinuity Detection in the Y= editor). This setting eliminates the false connection between positive and negative points plotted near an asymptote, but it also slows graphing considerably. solve() can now solve simple vector equations for, for example, the components of a vector.