Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Faster numeric arc lengths on the Voyage 200 and TI-89

The built-in arclen() function will return a numeric result for an arc length if a symbolic solution cannot be found. For example,

arclen(-x^3 + 3*x^2 - 2x + 2/x - 2/x^2 + 1, x, .769, 2.428)

returns 4.2413 in about 62 seconds in APPROX mode. We can speed this up by using nint() to numerically integrate the arc length integrand, as follows.

First define a simple function to find the arc length integrand:

: arcleni(f,x)
: Func
: sqrt((d(f,x))^2+1)
: EndFunc

where f is the function of the desired arc length and x is the independent variable. d() is the built-in derivative function. We then find the arc length with


which returns the arc length in about 27 seconds, saving 35 seconds.

It is likely that arclen() spends the extra time trying to find a symbolic solution before falling back to the numerical integration.


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